
How Do I Find My Brand’s Voice?: Professionalism, Internet Trends, and Knowing When to Stay Out of the Conversation

The internet is loud. A dozen new online trends pop up daily, seemingly offering creators and brands guaranteed virality if you just use the right audio or song of the moment or post enough TikToks in a day. The result? We’re seeing more and more professional organizations take on less formal or “stuffy” voices in their branding and online communications and interactions. When done well, it can yield great results. A quick browse of X (formerly known as Twitter) or the comment section on TikTok shows that it’s not unusual to see companies engaging with users casually, employing online language often used by millennial and Gen-Z users. From fast food companies, to makeup brands, to even banks and airlines — organizations have figured out that certain online spaces can allow for a more informal, humorous approach to copy and engagement. The keyword here? Certain. You won’t catch Delta Airlines using excessive slang or colloquialisms in internal communications or branded promotional outputs. 

Crafting the right tone of voice for you is essential. So how do you strike the right balance between formal, corporate language and more relaxed, conversational “internet speak”? Before you can even think about hopping on the trend of the day, you need to ensure that your brand’s voice is clear to your target audience first. Remember, you’re not trying to appeal to everybody on the internet; focus on the community you’re trying to build trust with. There are some crucial questions you can use to help determine your brand’s tone of voice:

1. What product or service do I offer? Is it a professional service like tax preparation or is it related to beauty and lifestyle? Do you sell ice cream or are you a life coach? These are key differentiating factors that will help determine what your copy should sound like.

2. Who is my target audience? Define the avatar of your ideal or typical customer or client. What do they look like? How old are they? What are their interests? Where do they spend the most time online? The more detailed you can get here the easier it’ll be to shape your style and voice.

3. What does your online presence look like? Will you have a newsletter? Promotional emails? Annual reports? Where are you on social media? A predominantly text-based platform like X or Threads functions much differently than something like Instagram or TikTok. Figuring out where and how your brand shows up and engages online is essential in solidifying your corporate brand’s voice.  

It’s important to note that there will, of course, be variation in your tone of voice depending on the platform you’re using. TikTok, for example, doesn’t need ultra formal or corporate-leaning copywriting. In fact, it likely wouldn’t perform very well. The key is authenticity. Audiences of today are sharp. They can immediately sniff out when something is a performance versus true brand alignment. Nobody wants to be pandered to or feel like they’re being made fun of. We understand that every company and creator wants the same thing: to build a loyal and engaged community that will grow with them — and the best and most sustainable way to do that is by staying true to who you are. Learning how to resist the pull of fleeting internet trends that don’t align with your values and/or voice will benefit you long term. Just because a certain meme is trending doesn’t mean it fits your brand. Knowing when to participate and when not to is what sets apart the true professionals from the crowd. Remember: the goal is to lead conversations in your industry, not add unnecessary noise to them. 

Your brand’s tone of voice should be a natural extension of your brand’s personality. Achieving this balance requires skill and practice, and yes, sometimes you’ll need to call in the professionals to help (like our very own team of content ninjas here at WritersBlok!). A well-crafted tone should feel approachable but still convey professionalism and expertise. It’s about making your audience feel understood without sacrificing your brand’s identity. Copy that reflects your brand’s ethos while being easy to consume can seem daunting to achieve and perfect. But corporate communications and copy is about so much more than just words—it’s a reflection of your brand’s personality and values that extends beyond whatever service or product you offer. And when done right, your tone of voice becomes a strategic asset for you and your company that will outlive any meme or trend. 

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