Over 50 Writing Prompts to Spark Your Imagination

Curiosity and childlike wonder are assets capable of paying back millions, and our imagination is the key to unlocking them. To build and flex this precious muscle, many writers use creative writing prompts. Writing prompts help us explore different perspectives and generate new ideas through the written word, allowing us the chance to solve relevant [...]

How Intersectional Storytelling Expands Your Reach As A Writer

Have you ever worked on a project that lacked the nuance needed for deeper connection? As ghostwriters, we are often tasked with telling stories that aren’t our own, and it’s easy to fall into familiar patterns. However, intersectionality allows us to offer more accurate and authentic storytelling through the overlapping identities of our clients, [...]

Overcoming the Myths: What Business Leaders Need to Know About Working with a Ghostwriter

So you’re a busy business leader with brilliant stories and ideas to amplify your brand, but they’re all stuck in your notes app. No matter how many times you’ve sat down to flesh out your thoughts (and we know there’ve been many!), you still can’t seem to strategically streamline your thoughts or establish a consistent cadence in which you share [...]

Writing From The Heart: How To Convey Emotions In Writing With Authenticity

Anaïs Nin once said that writing is how we experience life twice, “in the moment, and in retrospect.” When documenting our own stories, tasting life for the second time as Anaïs said, figuring out how to articulate the emotions we felt in those pivotal moments is imperative. It’s not enough to tell the reader that you were sad or happy or angry – [...]

Is Social Media Your Friend Or Foe? Tips On Mantaining A Balance

We all know that freelancers are a small business unto themselves. Between keeping up with invoices, networking and making new industry contacts, scheduling and filing drafts on time, and managing endless rounds of edits, there are myriad factors that need to be delicately balanced to create lasting success. In a business that consistently tells us that [...]

The Benefits of an Excellent Customer Service Strategy For Your Business

While many resources in your company matter, customer service should be prioritized just the same, or maybe even more. Understanding the benefits of how an effective customer service strategy can affect your business is crucial to your company’s growth, sustainability, and progress.Customer service is not only about how you treat your clients. Of course, [...]

5 Mindful Tips For Tackling Writing Under Pressure

At the best of times, professional writing is challenging. From managing strict or competing deadlines to overcoming the dreaded writer's block, writing is often a pressure-fueled task that dares us to be immediately brilliant and error-free. It is in this realization that we’re faced with the fact that writing has the capacity to either stifle us or, if [...]